Announcement + Giveaway

Over the past few months I’ve taken a break from blogging due to some big news in my life… I’m pregnant! Both my husband and I were very excited about the positive pregnancy test. However, the past few months of pregnancy have been very hard for me with extreme nausea and lifestyle changes. I’m excited to come back to blogging and turn most of my posts to more relevant content to my current lifestyle- family and pregnancy.

Pregnancy Announcement DIY Made Simple

One thing that I find overwhelming about first time pregnancy and parenthood is wanting the best thing for your child, but not having the experience to know what that is. From picking out a crib to prenatal vitamins- there are so many choices that it can be hard to know what the best one is.

morningpep prenatal vitamins

I experienced this for the first time when picking out prenatal vitamins. I was shocked at the cost- about $30 for a 60 day supply, but I knew they were something that was necessary. Not knowing what was best, and falling victim to packaging, I picked the popular “Nature’s Made” brand. At Rite Aid this ran me $32 for a 60 day supply.

morningpep prenatal vitamin nutrient info

What I found from talking to my doctor was that it it doesn’t matter what brand of vitamin you take, as long as it has the proper amount of vitamins- primarily 800 mcg of folic acid and vitamin D. (Please keep in mind that every doctor and circumstance is different and you should consult your doctor about your unique condition.) While running towards the end of Nature’s Made bottle I started looking at other options. I was pleasantly surprised when I found the brand Morningpep. Their prenatal vitamins came in a 120 day supply, they contained more IU’s of more vitamins than nature made, and they were cheaper- only $19.90! (When you use the code DIYMADESIMPLE you can save 10%) That’s a winner in my book! After trying them I was pleasantly surprised, they didn’t have a weird aftertaste and didn’t make my stomach feel yucky afterward. In fact, this product has probiotics and enzymes that help with morning sickness.

prenatal vitamin giveaway

I’ve been so impressed with these Morningpep vitamins that I’ve partnered with them to provide one reader with a 4 month supply, for free! Every mother deserves to give their baby the nutrients they deserve, and I can’t wait for you to try these products. This giveaway will be open for one week, and a winner will be selected at random. To enter, click the link below. Good luck!

Enter the giveaway here

prenatal vitamin giveaway


  1. I like reading about beauty products and I also just found out I’m pregnant on Mother’s Day. So I like that we will be pregnant together!

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