How To Grow Your Own Avocado Tree


I’m one of those people that’s crazily obsessed with avocados. Their texture, taste, and health benefits are someone of the traits that made me fall hopelessly in love with them. Since the beginning of my obsession (because our love story has only started to blossom over the last few years) I have seen several videos on social media showing how to grow your own avocado tree. I have to admit that I thought the ease portrayed had to be fake. Could anyone really grow an avocado tree? I decided to put this question to the test by trying out the Avoseedo avocado tree grower!


The Avoseedo is essentially a holder for the avocado seed. It allows the seed to collect water and float on top of a bowl of water. The construction was easy and instructions for putting the seed in were easy to follow.


You first peel off the “skin” of the seed.


Next you place the flat part of the seed in the holder.


The seed will begin to germinate over the next 1-4 months. The Avoseedo holder also came with a toothpick and flag so that you can mark when you started to grow the seed.

I’ve only had my Avoseedo for less than a month and the seed hasn’t start to germinate yet, which is to be expected. Because of this I am going to talk about my experience using it.

The product is incredibly easy to put together and use. I love the idea of it being used in a classroom or with small children to help teach them the importance of gardening and how plants work.

If you’re interested in buying your own Avoseedo avocado tree grower, please click here. You can get 20% off your order with code “sp20.”


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